Ramka CafeBizarre Ramka Ramka
Dramatis Personae

You are on CafeBizarre site... What are you looking for? What do you expect to find here? I hope that the content of these pages will please and inspire you?


CafeBizarre is a project that gathers several types of our activities, for which the common denominator is the mood: a bit dark, a bit vampire, a bit erotic, a bit gothis and in general - weird atmosphere and style. CafeBizarre allows us to give expression to our ideas and fancies, and to show the results of those activities to a wider audience. Maybe individually it would have been more difficult to do all this, what we are doing and plan to do thanks to CafeBizarre. Surely - it's safer in the group.

What we are doing and plan to do in CafeBizarre project has been hidden in the darkest depths of our minds for a long time. But CafeBizarre reached its formal shape during one of our parties, when the leitmotiv for our clothes was gothic and darkness. We enjoyed that so much that we decided to repeat the parties more often - you can seen the footage of them in Meetings.


Now you know how the idea has been born - it is purely spontaneous. But if you want to know why we want to continue it here is the answer - day by day we are surrounded by lots of things, lots of activities and incidents but one almost can not find variety among them. The more we observe the world it seems to be filled with duplicating schemas. For example just look carefully on what we wear everyday. Going out and meeting other people in cinema, pub or some party or other event there is only a few colors, shapes and forms you will probably experience. Just take a closer look on shops near you and you will soon understand that available for wearing is only what the shopkeepers decided to be trendy this season.

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